Immigration information

Important information for passengers in transit through or with final destination Guatemala

By order of the National Immigration Authority of Guatemala and the Guatemalan Migration Institute, as of February 16, 2024, all consular category B and C, passengers whose travel plans include Guatemala as a final destination or connection and/or transit point, without exception, must have a single or multiple visa issued by the Guatemalan government.

The nationalities to which this measure applies are:

Category B Category C
Azerbaijan Dominican Republic Jamaica Myanmar Swaziland
Belarus Ecuador Kazakhstan Namibia Suriname
Benin Egypt Kyrgyzstan Nauru Thailand
Bolivia Philippines Kiribati Niger Tanzania
Burkina Faso Gabon Lesotho Palau Tajikistan
Burundi Gambia Malawi Papua New Guinea Togo
Bhutan Georgia Maldives Central African Republic Tonga
Cape Verde Grenada Morocco Dominican Republic Tunisia
Cambodia Guinea Mauritius Rwanda Turkmenistan
Chad Guinea-Bissau Mauritania Samoa Uganda
Comoros Equatorial Guinea Micronesia Senegal Uzbekistan
Cote d’Ivoire Guyana Moldova Serbia Zambia
Djibouti India Montenegro Seychelles Zimbabwe

For more information, please visit the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala.

As of today, as a mandatory requirement for all airlines, if you are a citizen of any of the above countries, we require you to present the necessary and proper immigration documents for your trip (passport or valid travel document, valid visa or special permit, according to the corresponding category, and document proving immigration status). The above is in compliance with the new travel requirements imposed by the Guatemalan authorities.

What should I do if I purchased a ticket before April 12, 2024 and cannot meet this requirement?

If you purchased a ticket before April 12, 2024 and you cannot meet the new requirement of the National Immigration Authority of Guatemala, we will provide you with two options that will be valid until June 30, 2024.

  1. Change of date or route without change fee (fare difference applies). The new travel date must be 8 days before and up to 60 days after the initial flight date, depending on availability.
  2. Ticket refund through our official channels or at the corresponding travel agency.

To be able to access either of these two options, you must complete the form and attach the document that certifies your nationality.

Complete the form to:

Change your itinerary Request a refund
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