Immigration information

Important information for passengers traveling from Europe with destination or transit in El Salvador

Starting July 15, 2024, due to the latest provisions of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreign Affairs of the government of El Salvador and based on articles 25, 78, and 179 of the Special Migration and Foreign Affairs Law and the Regulations of the Special Migration and Foreign Affairs Law of that country, passengers who do not comply with all the requirements imposed by the Salvadoran authority to enter or transit through that country will not be allowed to board. These requirements are:

Passengers of African and Indian nationalities (consult the list here):

  • They must pay the airport improvement fee to transit through El Salvador. The payment method at the airport is by credit card.
  • If traveling from Europe, they must have all segments of their trip under a single transport contract. Passengers traveling with separate tickets will not be boarded.
  • Having a return ticket.
  • Have purchased their return ticket more than 24 hours before the flight.

Passengers who do not meet these requirements will not be able to board their flight.

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