
How can I request a refund for an additional service?

If you purchased any additional service (such as additional baggage, seat selection, among others) and your flight was affected due to rescheduling, change of aircraft, or cancellation, you may request a refund for the additional services purchased. Consult the conditions according to the country of purchase.

To make your request:

  1. Go to our Refunds page and choose the option "Request refund"
  2. Select Ticket number or additional service (EMD)*
  3. Complete the fields with the information as it appears in the reservation

EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) is the document on which additional services are issued, and is different from the ticket number. It is located in the PDF we sent to your email at the time of finalizing the purchase, under the title Electronic Miscellaneous Document Receipt (EMD).



Please note: 

  • As of June 1, 2023, you will have the option to request a refund of the additional services you purchase for your reservation along with your ticket refund, only if your fare is flex or business.
  • Additional services not provided due to the airline's fault will be refundable for all fares.
  • It is not possible to transfer the additional services to third parties, and these services can be used exclusively for the itinerary initially purchased.
  • Additional services will only be reimbursed if you request the reimbursement of the ticket to which it is associated and before the departure of the flight, following the same conditions that apply to the tickets. (Refunds requested after the original flight date will not be accepted.)
  • If you purchased baggage for a flight to or from the United States, and we were unable to provide the service, you can request the refund. Learn about the exceptions where the request would not apply.
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