You can request a refund for your ticket by accessing the Refunds option on Please review the conditions that apply to the fare you purchased.
Do it yourself
- Enter the option Your booking and select Changes and refunds option at
- If you bought your ticket from a travel agency, you must arrange the refund directly with them.
- If you need to request the return of your lifemiles ticket, please contact our Contact center or visit our sales offices.
How to check the status of a refund?
- Just enter your details in the Consult a refund tab on our website.
- Remember to complete the information as it appears in the email we sent you when you created your application.
Can't travel and your ticket is non-refundable?
If you have a non-refundable ticket that allows date changes, you may reschedule your flight and only the change fees will be deducted.
If you are unable to reschedule your trip, you can request a refund of the refund of the taxes that correspond to the unused part of the ticket.
- If you are affected by the airline and your itinerary is changed by less than one hour, you will be able to choose between the re-accommodation options we offer or request a refund, subject to the conditions of your fare.
- Before requesting a refund, please check the conditions of your ticket in the purchase confirmation. To qualify for a refund, we apply certain fees that represent a partial refund of your size.
- An additional processing fee may be incurred, which will be deducted from the amount we will refund.
- There are some taxes, fees, or contributions that are not refundable by regulation. For these refunds, you must go to the offices of the collecting authority.