Checked baggage

What is the maximum weight and size for checked baggage?

The maximum weight for checked baggage per passenger is 23 kg in Economy Class and 32 kg in business class (applicable for business or XXL fare). Its dimensions must not exceed 158 linear cm (height + length + width). Learn about the baggage included for each fare.


If you are traveling with special baggage (items NOT covered by the conventional baggage concepts like purses, backpacks, suitcases), you can carry it as checked baggage, provided that it is properly packed according to its content, withstands handling, and complies with the allowed measurements and weight.
If your baggage exceeds the maximum dimensions and weight allowance, you may carry it with an additional charge as overweight or oversized baggage if it does not exceed 230 linear cm and 99 pounds. Due to baggage regulations, it is not possible to exceed the weight of 70 pounds per piece on flights to and from Europe, even if you pay for the overweight.


If you fly with a classic, flex, or business fare, you can substitute your first piece of included baggage for sports equipment starting from February 1. Remember that this piece should not exceed 23 kg and 158 linear cm in dimensions; otherwise, you will need to pay for overweight or oversized baggage.

Do I need airline approval to transport any items?

There are certain items that you can carry within your baggage with prior authorization from the airline or the competent authorities. However, there are some restricted items that cannot fly with you.

Tips for preparing your baggage

  • Choose fabric baggage to carry in the hold, it is more resistant, flexible and durable compared to rigid baggage.
  • Pack your own baggage personally and check the dimensions and weight allowed.
  • Easily identify your baggage at the airport – you can tie a bright-colored ribbon on the handle or attach an ID card with your full name, address and phone number.
  • On international flights originating in Bogotá, wrapped baggage will not be accepted due to the difficulty it causes in the inspection and control procedures carried out by authorities.
  • If your baggage is not in optimal conditions, is plastic-wrapped or overloaded (too full, does not close, or has defects) it may not withstand the baggage handling systems, causing additional damage for which we will not be held responsible.
  • If you are carrying internal combustion engines or fuel cell engines (those used in cars, motorcycles, and machinery), they must have been emptied, purged, and filled with a non-flammable gas or liquid to eliminate hazards. You must have physical or electronic documentation stating that the washing and purging procedure has been completed.
  • Be sure to remove all tags from previous flights, as well as straps, hooks or other protruding or attached objects, as they can become entangled during handling.

All baggage is subject to review by authorities when so authorized by applicable law. avianca is not responsible for damage, destruction, loss, delay, denial of transportation, confiscation of property or other damages resulting from inspections carried out by the authorities. Remember that plastic-wrapped baggage can be inspected by the authorities; we have no part in this process.

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